Monday, September 8, 2014

Gob Bluth

So this is kind of personal- mostly just really weird, and I don’t know if anyone else has any similar experiences.
After my Dad died, I had one distinct dream where my Dad “came back to life”, which was really a dream where he showed up in the house after being gone awhile, and he explained that it was a mistake and he wasn’t dead and he was able to come back.
And since that, in every dream I’ve had he’s been alive. As if it’s a continuation of that one dream. That yeah he was gone, but he came back and since then he’s still there, always at the house I grew up in.
So last night I had a dream that I was going to sleep with Gob Bluth, for some reason, and he was shirtless and we were kissing, but I heard my Mom come in the door so I shoved him in my room. I couldn't remember which one was his shirt, so I gave him a bunch to find his. He comes out wearing one of my Dad’s shirts, the tan short sleeved kind of plaidish one. And I said “You can’t wear that, it’s my dead Dad’s shirt.” So he apologizes and goes back to put on another one. And he opens the door and I realize it's not just my Mom, it's both my parents talking. So Gob looks at me and my only response is “I guess I made a liar out of myself with that dead Dad comment.”
Like, even in my dreams when I think he’s not there, it ends up as “Nope nevermind I was wrong.”

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Disneyland was Venice, you had to boat everywhere and rides were on different islands. Except it seemed like only one part of the park was like that, and I made some comment on how I rarely ever went to that part of the park. I had gotten to that ride by a previous theme of a dream, where I was on some kind of boat going around and writing a song with someone that of course sounded really awesome in the dream and now I can't even remember the point. All I remember was that it involved tomatoes, and I threw a tomato at someone on a little floating island, and it just fell in the water really anti-climatically. Then we ended up at the dock of this Disneyland ride that was seriously just every Disney character smashed together in all kinds of animatronics. So we dock the boat, get off, walk into the queue line and there's immediately an animatronic Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron (which is not Disney) that would look at you and stuff. So we get in the line, and there's two Asian kids ahead of us who have "ride counters" which apparently was a thing where this little counter would show how many rides you had been on supposedly per day, but this kid's had millions on it, so I was standing there trying to figure out how that was possible. Then these two kids, a blonde girl and a boy got seated in the ride and started clicking back and forth. In this horrible drive you insane kind of way. And we were all yelling at them from the line "Shut up!" because we thought they were leaving. Then we realized we were supposed to get on the same boat with them. And I was sitting next to the blonde girl. It was non-stop back and forth between them. So Kevin Callaway was there, and I started telling him "You should show her how big your hands are and then they'll stop". I went to SSHS with Kevin, and he did have huge massive hands. So I start telling Kelly, "Remember when we left for the summer, and came back in the Fall and all of the sudden Kevin was a giant!" This didn't happen. So the ride starts, which was essentially a boat ride like Small World that took you through really intricate Disney scenes made either animated clips or animatronics. And the girl kept clicking, and all of the sudden I start getting really violent and threatening her and the kid, and start kind of slapping and hitting them. And it just kept progressing, where she wouldn't stop or show pain, and I started biting her ear with my 2 canines, and I was essentially going to rip a hole in her ear, and she finally stopped clicking and was like "Why are pregnant chicks always NUTS" And some guy (I think Benji) said "Because they aren't getting any anymore" and I was just flipping out. And the clicking kept happening, but the kids weren't doing it anymore so I thought she had just driven me completely insane. But when I woke up I realized it was my Mom's stupid clock in the living room.

Something about being at CSULB or CSUN and there was a flyer that the choir was doing excerpts of different "musicals turned into movies" and one was Yeston and Kopit's Phantom, and I flipped the heck out because I didn't see it and I guess I wasn't in the choir. So I was walking towards the music building, which was a giant 8 story building where some of the floors were just open to the outside and you could see pianos and junk. And I found Grant and asked if he was in Concert Choir or Vocal Ensemble (Ok this means we were at Moorpark) and he said "Neither, I couldn't fit choir in, but they let me kind of hang out sometimes, I'm known as the drifter."

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I have absolutely ridiculous nutso dreams. The period between waking up naturally, and when I choose to wake up (because let’s be real, I never want to get out of bed) is full of them. It’s almost like my brain says “Okay, it’s time to get up now, oh you didn’t? FINE.
Let me barrage you with some scheme more detailed than movie plots where you have to save your childhood idol (The Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz) from dying because he’s really just a hologram and his real body is a candle slowly sinking into a lake, don’t let the flame extinguish! Something about the Sontari being there too. And Sheldon Cooper? And about me always ending up in compromising positions with male fairytale characters and them being too innocent to realize it.
Or the best one, where my Dad had a curse that made him look like the Green Goblin when he was a teenager, and after his death (present time) I was sent on a mission to go find the secret documentary from the 70’s that was made on him and then kept hidden. And I was working with Jiminy Cricket from Once Upon a Time to do it. And he had a secret file that I had to flirt my way into seeing, and then realized that it was written by Dumbledore, and I think at that point even my brain was like "Wait- this has to end."
It’s funny, because things like that make me feel close to my Dad, even though that was absolutely not a fuzzy warm memories dream.
As a side note, I also had a dream that Charlie came back from his mission and I fell in love with him, and then my husband today said he had a dream I divorced him. So that’s not okay brain. No. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

At Target, notice an advertisement sign using some pictures of me from 7th grade when I was at my all time ugliest. Sign says "Don't look like this, ew!" The only explanation was that they used pictures I had developed through Target, even though I don't get pictures developed through Target.

My ex was there, so we started discussing how this was grounds for me suing Target. We had a nice talk, and he concluded with "Bye babe" and then realized what he said and got all awkward and ran away.

Had some kind of small house with two beds. Mine was crammed in front of the fridge, so you had to move it to get to the fridge. Max's bed was by the dishwasher and sink. I thought Max was there but it was just a lump of blankets that looked like a body. So I called him and he said he was at school. A lot of other people were in the house.

Going to a college seminar for music students on another college campus, sister to Moorpark College. I know because they had a bunch of our concert posters up. Katie S in the courtyard with bright purple short hair, doing some kind of performance art where she was throwing a bouquet. We said hi after. Headed into a room where we were waiting for the classes to start. The kind of 15 minute seminars on different subjects. Most were music based, some about specific art songs. But a couple were called "Kittens of Ojai" or "Gardening". Noorin was there, wanted to sign up for Italian, so I decided I should do a class too even though it was last minute. I wanted to do Italian but the lecture was 50 dollars and I didn't feel like spending another 50 dollars when I was already taking an Italian class. Looked in German. Decided to take nothing, but the lady was mad because I wasted time asking her about the different classes.

People who didn't go to classes sat in a big room together that was like the Primary room in the Erringer building. A lady came in and got the gardening students for the gardening lecture. Then there was an Earthquake, where everyone rocked back and forth holding hands to stabilize themselves and started singing a church hymn. The second verse everyone sat down and only one lady was singing, but I thought it was supposed to be everyone so I was still singing and showing off. People were giving me weird looks, so I realized it was supposed to be a solo.

Later on in a room with a guy named Professor Chang, everyone was screaming regarding the Seminar. He said that you could only talk if you had the clipboard. People passed it around, but Wesley Wilson decided to just draw on it instead of talking, so everyone was getting mad. A couple kids I knew from Elementary school were there. Hayden and Russel Mox. Hayden talked about cocaine a lot. Then someone showed a clip from All That when Josh Peck was really fat, and he was in the room talking about how funny it was. Drake Bell was there too, and Amanda Bynes. I was thinking how it was cool that they were my friends.