Sunday, August 24, 2014


Disneyland was Venice, you had to boat everywhere and rides were on different islands. Except it seemed like only one part of the park was like that, and I made some comment on how I rarely ever went to that part of the park. I had gotten to that ride by a previous theme of a dream, where I was on some kind of boat going around and writing a song with someone that of course sounded really awesome in the dream and now I can't even remember the point. All I remember was that it involved tomatoes, and I threw a tomato at someone on a little floating island, and it just fell in the water really anti-climatically. Then we ended up at the dock of this Disneyland ride that was seriously just every Disney character smashed together in all kinds of animatronics. So we dock the boat, get off, walk into the queue line and there's immediately an animatronic Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron (which is not Disney) that would look at you and stuff. So we get in the line, and there's two Asian kids ahead of us who have "ride counters" which apparently was a thing where this little counter would show how many rides you had been on supposedly per day, but this kid's had millions on it, so I was standing there trying to figure out how that was possible. Then these two kids, a blonde girl and a boy got seated in the ride and started clicking back and forth. In this horrible drive you insane kind of way. And we were all yelling at them from the line "Shut up!" because we thought they were leaving. Then we realized we were supposed to get on the same boat with them. And I was sitting next to the blonde girl. It was non-stop back and forth between them. So Kevin Callaway was there, and I started telling him "You should show her how big your hands are and then they'll stop". I went to SSHS with Kevin, and he did have huge massive hands. So I start telling Kelly, "Remember when we left for the summer, and came back in the Fall and all of the sudden Kevin was a giant!" This didn't happen. So the ride starts, which was essentially a boat ride like Small World that took you through really intricate Disney scenes made either animated clips or animatronics. And the girl kept clicking, and all of the sudden I start getting really violent and threatening her and the kid, and start kind of slapping and hitting them. And it just kept progressing, where she wouldn't stop or show pain, and I started biting her ear with my 2 canines, and I was essentially going to rip a hole in her ear, and she finally stopped clicking and was like "Why are pregnant chicks always NUTS" And some guy (I think Benji) said "Because they aren't getting any anymore" and I was just flipping out. And the clicking kept happening, but the kids weren't doing it anymore so I thought she had just driven me completely insane. But when I woke up I realized it was my Mom's stupid clock in the living room.

Something about being at CSULB or CSUN and there was a flyer that the choir was doing excerpts of different "musicals turned into movies" and one was Yeston and Kopit's Phantom, and I flipped the heck out because I didn't see it and I guess I wasn't in the choir. So I was walking towards the music building, which was a giant 8 story building where some of the floors were just open to the outside and you could see pianos and junk. And I found Grant and asked if he was in Concert Choir or Vocal Ensemble (Ok this means we were at Moorpark) and he said "Neither, I couldn't fit choir in, but they let me kind of hang out sometimes, I'm known as the drifter."

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