Wednesday, September 11, 2013


There's some kind of apocalypse or something, I don't know if they're zombies or something else, but there's something in particular that I'm really terrified of that just won't die. And I think it's my mom, and she says that I have to keep smashing it's face in violently. And finally I seem satisfied that it's dead. It's just a mash of pulp type stuff by now.

And then Nick is there at some point and I'm talking to him about how this is the end of the world if the dead are rising from their graves, and he gives me his jacket. And in the meantime the pulpy thing that I smashed has become a humanoid type thing again, but with a deformed face because I beat it in. And it's some woman, and she has short red hair and then I just feel so bad for destroying her face because I realize she isn't evil, and I give her a hug.

And then she starts talking to me about how important it is to save yourself for marriage, and then says "Unless you've already experienced that." And I just throw my hands up and walk away.

At some point before this I think I was on some kind of failed church camp thing, I remember being in a part of a log cabin with Leah. By part I mean, one wall was open.

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