Wednesday, September 11, 2013

From 6-28-13

I tend to have dreams about being romantically involved with fictional characters, or celebrities/ friends/ ex-boyfriends who are disguised as fictional characters , but Max is usually either around or I'm still engaged to him (or at least with him) in the back of my mind, and that's nice. Like last week I had a dream that NPH proposed to me and I turned him down because I loved Max. And this was after Nikelson who was a giant slug monster also tried to propose to me, but I'd like to pretend that that didn't happen.

I love my dreams. I stay asleep so long because of them. Actually, in my dream last night, Sherlock Holmes and I were explaining dreams to another girl, in which he used this projector to simulate how much more real things became in various levels of dreaming. And I told the girl that I liked to sleep in late because once you wake up and then go back to sleep, you have more dreams that you can remember. Even in my dreams I'm lazy and sleep way too long.

And then I teased Sherlock for forgetting to pack a blanket, but he wasn't really Sherlock Holmes at that point, he was Sherlock as one of my exes, and then we went in a time machine that he built back to the Classical Era somewhere in Europe, but then Sherlock wasn't even around anymore and I was just with 2 other women that I don't know at all. I knew who they were there though...

Something about people who posed as mannequins, something about experiencing the Classical Era in a huge courtyard in front of a mansion which I guess was City Hall or something where a man who was literally Mr. Burns from the Simpsons was saying something and knew who we were and we had to hide/ run away from him. And then it was only me and one other girl, and we were sword fighting through crowds of people and soldiers to get back to our time machine area, and on the way Nick was there and we waved at each other... And I had a conversation with the girl about "Max and I swordfight all the time, so this is easy. And I'm sure you and Sherlock do too." Psh girl stole Sherlock somehow.

And then we got there but had no more time machine crystals, but this random man gave us some and we got back just in time to escape the people chasing us. And then something happened and we went back to the courtyard this time with Sherlock I think, and I asked something about the blonde girl with the pointy nose (who was a mannequin earlier on) and Sherlock said something about "Well she's my niece" so I actually think that the girl who I thought stole Sherlock was really his niece?

And then once we got to the courtyard, the evil Mr. Burns guy passed a law about something that everyone booed (which I can only assume is linked to the modern events of gay marriage/ abortion bills being heavily debated) and then all these people got up, who were all  dressed in various flotation devices and swimsuits, and started chanting something about how they opposed was had just happened, got into this giant river that wound throughout the city, and just swam around the river dressed up as seahorses and unicorns. One girl had a motorized propeller under her dragon tail? I zoomed in on it in the dream, so it must have been important.

Somehow I got home, and everyone was just in bed sleeping naked. I have no idea who they were though. I just go home and everyone's sleeping naked? There was one guy that I was all happy about seeing, but I don't know who he was. Was he Max? I think he was white. I don't think he was anyone. I think he was some generic white man.

I think there was another dream, but I can't remember if it was connected to this one. It was something about my old high school friend Lucas giving away these new music devices which were just called "P". And he asked if I wanted one for free because we were either in a band together, or had designed them, but I said they were stupid looking (so I hope I didn't design them) so I didn't want one.

And then everyone threw a huge party in my bedroom, and Lucas ended up giving the last one to this Genevieve (who was his in real life his girlfriend in high school for years), and I was really jealous. Because suddenly I wanted a "P". And then this other jerk Chris Conway was like "Well yeah, she's prettier than you." And I ran back in the room and demanded a "P" but instead everyone was packing everything up and then Sherlock Holmes was there building a time machine?

I think that's what happened. But somewhere along the lines Alex was there, or maybe I just found a picture of Alex? I don't know. All I know is that when Sherlock was there he was RDJ Sherlock and he was hot. Except when we first built the time machine and got in it, he was Benedict Cumberbatch. Actually he might have been a mix the whole time.

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