Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I'm in San Francisco playing the cello in a gift shop, but I'm trying to play it with a wet cloth because I forgot about the bow. And even when I remember I still can't play it because I'm trying to hold it like a violin.

Then Arya shows up and tells me that we have to catch our plane.

And then Kelly is there and starts practicing for her junior recital in this white dress with earthy flower type detail on the sleeves and bottom, but she's also wearing cat ears and circles on her cheeks that are different colors to look like blush? In the dream I assumed it was for a character's costume.

I ask Arya if we can stay and watch and she says that the plane leaves in five minutes so, no. So I start trying to figure out if it's worth it to get another plane ticket home later, and then I start trying to figure out how I even got to San Francisco, and decide that it's probably best to leave when he says to. So I say goodbye to Kelly and then we leave, and I start thinking about how weird it is that Kelly is having her junior recital in July.

It's not July.

Next I'm in some kind of shipwreck on an island, and there's a fire all around the boat pieces. And I ask if anyone has called the fire department and a girl says no, and then calls... And I mention something about how if the water is on fire there's probably oil that could explode, but no one is worried. So I start to walk away and shine my flashlight at the rock over to the right, but it's really a giant angry carrot, and it starts walking over and yelling at me and I tell it I just want help. And he says if I want help I have to ask the ants. So I ask the ants for help, and then swarms of them come down from the rocks behind me and crawl all over everything including my face, and I ask the ant king to move his ants from off my face because they tickle.

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