Monday, October 7, 2013


So I actually have horrible dreams when I take naps.

Last night though, I had a dream where all of my grandparents, my cousin's wife, and my friend's wife were all dead, and then buried in my room! It was lovely. And I was searching on an online "dead people" website, and typed her name in, and then a flashing thing came on the screen that said "WARNING: NOT BURIED ON PREMISES". So good! And I remember saying something like "But she always ate gluten-free, and vegan. I guess it didn't help her." But my friend who's married to her was really sad. And then I was really sad that my grandpa had died, because he's supposed to dance with me for the father-daughter dance, because my actual father really did die! And speaking of, when I woke up I was so legitimately happy that it was just a dream, and then remembered that my Dad really was actually gone. So, bittersweet?

Then later on I fell asleep for 3 hours. And I had some kind of dream influenced by conference I guess. I forgot a lot unfortunately. I was driving up some road in a convertible, and there was this guy I knew just standing there. He's some guy I knew from the Stake a long time ago, named Max. Anyway, I was like "What are you doing?" And he said that he went there to smoke weed. And I was like "You shouldn't do that." And he just said "Oh all LDS missionaries do." But he called me Agent Holly, and I made some joke about him being James Bond. Uh. I did forget a lot.

I know later I was in my mom's room (where I was asleep) with all the stuff on the bed that I was actually working on in real life, trying to get dressed to meet Charlie (who is on his LDS mission) but it was taking forever to get dressed, because doing anything in a dream is impossible. So time kept going by and I just couldn't put on my clothes right.

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